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Practice Policies and Procedures

Personal Health Information Policy

Your details, medical records and consultations are kept confidential.  Your identified personal health information is only accessed by authorised staff and will not be released without your consent. Please discuss with our administration team or doctor if you have any concerns regarding your personal information.

Abuse and Safety Policy

Our practice has a zero tolerance of verbal or physical abuse towards any member of our team or doctor, or any person, adult or child.  Any dangerous or abusive behaviour will result in police being called. 

Benzodiazepine, Opioids and Other Drugs of Dependence Policy

Benzodiazepines and other drugs of dependence, including opioid medications, will not be prescribed at an initial appointment. 

Smoking Policy
This practice is a smoke free zone. No smoking is permitted in our practice building, our car park or anywhere within our property boundaries. 

Booking policy
We try our best to keep to schedule however unexpected delays such as medical emergencies may impact upon this.  We encourage patients to book separate appointments for individual family members and encourage patients with multiple issues to book longer appointments. This will help us to keep to schedule. We will try to keep you advised of any delays. 

Cancellation Policy
If you are unable to attend your appointment on time, please let us know as soon as possible.  If you are running late, please contact our administration team as in some circumstances, we may be able to adjust the appointment booking schedule to accommodate.

If you do not attend your appointment and have not informed us in advance, you may be subject to a fee equivalent to the consult fee (please note this fee is not rebateable through Medicare).



Communication Policy
Interrupting a doctor while they are consulting may interfere with their care and we reserve this only for emergency calls. Our administration team is happy to pass on messages to your doctors via internal electronic messaging. 


Please let us know at the time of booking your appointment if you require an interpreter.  One can be requested through the Translation and Interpreting Service.  If you are hearing impaired we may be able to organise an AUSLAN Interpreter.  Please discuss this at the time of booking your appointment as an interpreter has to be booked in advance.  There may or may not be a fee, depending on Medicare status; please speak to our administration team to clarify. 

Infection Control Policy
All needles, syringes and disposables are either professionally sterilised or destroyed following use, based on the RACGP Standards.  

We do not provide toys for children to play with in our waiting room to minimise infection risk and allergy risk.  If patients want to, we welcome parents to bring in small toys for children to play with.
If you feel you may have an illness that is contagious to others, or you are worried about being exposed to an infection, please speak to our administration team.  We have two separate waiting areas; our administration team are happy to try to best assist.  Our car park is directly outside our waiting area, and some patients may wish to wait in their car. 

Test Results Procedure
It is the patient’s responsibility to contact the surgery to follow up results.  Most results return within 48 hours, although occasionally they may take longer.  We advise patients to call our clinic after 2 pm and our administration team can advise on the result or whether you need to book in with a doctor.

Reminders Procedure
Our practice has a reminder system for preventative health programs, such as cervical screening tests, immunisations, etc.  Patients of the practice may be called, sent a letter or sent a text message reminder regarding this.  We recommend all patients discuss their health care goals with our administration team or their doctor to ensure they are registered for the appropriate reminder programs.  If you do not wish to be part of our reminder system, please speak to our administration team or your doctor. 


Our practice has stock of all immunisations required by the National Immunisation Program and state funded programs. Patients with a Medicare card will not be charged to have these immunisations.  If you are not eligible for Medicare, or you are requesting immunisations outside of the national or state program, please speak to our administration team or your doctor as you may be required to bring these vaccines to your appointment.  Please note, vaccines are required to be maintained under strict cold temperature management; if you bring in a vaccine to be administered, please inform our administration team when you arrive, as they can store them in our dedicated vaccine fridge prior to your appointment.

Medical Forms
Certain medical forms, such as medical certificates, Workcover forms and some Centrelink forms, are available on site.  Some forms, such as  drivers licence forms, commercial forms, and medical pre-employment forms, may not be available on site.  If you require any paperwork to be completed, please speak to the administration team at the time of booking  as you may be required to bring in printed copies of the form to your appointment.  Please be aware that some forms are long and some may require investigation to be performed, hence in some instances a double appointment or follow up  appointment may be required. 

Home Visits
If you have a medical condition that prevents you from attending the surgery, one of the doctors may be able, by prior arrangement, to visit you at home or at a nursing home, especially if you are or have been a long term regular patient of the practice and live locally.  This will be at the discretion of and dependent on the availability of the doctor.  

We actively seek feedback from our patients. Please let us know what we are doing well and where we could improve.  Feel free to provide this feedback to our administration team or your doctor.  We also have a confidential feedback box in our reception area where you can provide written feedback. You are also welcome to book a formal appointment with our practice manager should you feel the need.



69 Dyott Avenue,

Hampstead Gardens

SA, 5086


Phone: (08) 8266 5100

​Fax: (08) 8266 4193

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri    0800 am - 1730 pm 

Saturday    0900 am - 12:30 pm

Closed Sunday/Public Holidays

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